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We hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday last week. In addition to iPad resources curated from the past two weeks, we have some news and announcements. First, registration […]

At the conclusion of the iPad Summit, Co-Founder Justin Reich made A Plea to Teachers with iPads: Make Your Practice Visible. If you are teaching and creating learning experiences with iPads, […]

It’s hard to truly quantify and explain the excitement of the past few days. Over 500 educators from around the world joined the EdTechTeacher Team in Boston this week to […]

EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, wrote this great post as a prelude to this week’s EdTechTeacher iPad Summit on his blog at Education Week, EdTechResearcher. If you Meet an iPad on […]

Hard to believe, but the iPad Summit starts in three days! We look forward to seeing many of you next week. Remember that you can follow #ettipad throughout the conference for […]

EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland collaborated with Chicago educator, Shawn McCusker (@ShawnMcCusker) on this post for Edudemic. From Smoke Signals to Tweets: How The Evolution Of Communication Is Changing Your Classroom From […]

It’s hard to believe that the iPad Summit is in less than 2 weeks! There are still a few spots left for the November 6th Pre-Conference workshops. With attendees coming […]

First off, we are thrilled to announce that we have a few spaces available for the iPad Summit Pre-Conference Workshop Day! For session descriptions and registration, visit EdTechTeacher Conference […]

Are you a Beta-Max? Now that we are all excited about integrating iPads into the classroom, what’s next? What are we all going to do in 18.. 24.. 36.. months […]

Many schools have struggled with Apple’s latest update to iOS6. While there are certainly a lot of glitches, there are also some great new benefits. Here are a few lessons-learned […]

The big news of the week is that the iPad Summit is SOLD OUT. We are currently taking registrations for the wait list only. However, you can still join us […]

Online, in workshops, and even with friends, I frequently get asked What can the iPad actually do? as a sort of challenge to the worth of the device. I would rather that they ask, What […]

Over the last few years K-12 schools and districts across the country have been investing heavily in iPads for classroom use. EdTechTeacher has been leading iPad professional development at many […]

Early Bird Registration for the iPad Summit ends on September 30th – as does the iPad Summit Contest. Lainie Rowell, featured presenter from California, Shawn McCusker from Chicago, and Tony Perez […]

As a follow up to my post, Whatever Happened to iBooks????, I thought a lot about how iBooks and the Camera may be two of the most powerful apps on the […]

It’s hard to believe, but there are only 7 Days Left for Early Bird Registration to the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit! We have a list of confirmed concurrent sessions on the web […]

With School underway & iPad programs and pilots in progress, I think it is important to reflect on and carefully consider why and how iPads can be used in the […]

EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland co-led several iPad workshops this summer and has been working with schools across the country who are integrating iPads into their classrooms. She wrote the following post […]

It’s been a relatively quiet week at EdTechTeacher, so that can only mean one thing: everyone is back in school! We hope that everyone is off to a good start, […]

  I received this email the other day. Hi Beth. I am a student from the Harvard summer session on Teaching Elementary Grades with Technology. I have been voulun-told to teach […]

It’s been a busy few weeks at EdTechTeacher, so we have tons to pack in to this week’s iPad Resources and Suggestions blog post. Fall Webinar Series Greg and Beth kicked […]

We have been incredibly busy at EdTechTeacher as summer workshops have officially transitioned into back-to-school professional development across the country. Tom, Greg, and Beth have traveled to Louisiana, Ohio, Connecticut, […]

In the past two weeks, EdTechTeacher’s Tom Daccord, Greg Kulowiec, and Beth Holland have traveled to schools and districts in Medfield, MA, Chicago, IL, Toledo, OH, Lafayette, LA, and Ft. […]

In our summer workshops, when we mention Twitter, we typically get one of two reactions: I have no idea how to Tweet! Twitter is the best thing ever! While there […]

It’s hard to believe, but at EdTechTeacher, we have already made the transition from summer workshops to back-to-school, in-service professional days. This year, a number of teachers will be returning […]

This week, we completed our 10th Annual Summer Teaching with Technology Workshop Series. During that time, we taught five iPad workshops ranging from Leveraging iPads, Laptops, and other Digital Tools […]

EdTechTeacher Directors, Tom Daccord and Justin Reich, led a summer workshop last week focused on Teaching Technology to Teachers. Justin wrote the post below on EdTechResearcher with his reflections on technology […]

Last week (July 23-27), was “iPad week” during our summer workshop series. We taught three days of The iPad Classroom followed by iPads, ePubs, & iBooks Author: Creating Digital Course Content. […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

In October 2007, Professor Michael Wesch from Kansas State University published the video below titled A Vision of Students Today. Last week at ISTE, in discussing the future of learning, […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

At EdTechTeacher, we are now a few weeks into our 10th Annual Summer Teaching with Technology Workshop Series. Educators from across the country and abroad have participated in Teaching Elementary […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

For almost a year, EdTechTeacher collaborated with McGraw Hill on the development of their new social studies textbooks. Led by Justin Reich and Tom Daccord, the team wrote Tech Extensions […]

Tomorrow marks the start of our first iPad workshop for this summer. At present, we will be running 5 iPad-based workshops over the next few weeks in both Atlanta as […]

EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland use a Diigo Group in order to collect and share iPad resources. This week’s post includes everything that they have found over the past […]

EdTechTeacher Founder, Justin Reich, continues to write about the growing equity issues in educational technology and the perceived value of Open Education Resources. In response to a front page article […]

We’ve had a big week at EdTechTeacher. iPad and web tools workshops in Florida, presentation at NYSCATE, and a big announcement coming next week. This set of resources is being […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

EdTechTeacher Founder, Justin Reich, writes regularly for Education Week through his blog, EdTechResearcher. For the past few weeks, he has focused on the transformative power of technology as well as […]

While there will never be a replacement for a paper book with dog-eared pages, hand written notes in the margins, a broken spine and a proudly worn cover with a […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

In a continued quest to find ways that iPads can be not only consumption, but creation devices, I recently worked with a high school psychology class (@alisonshaver’s class) where students […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

I recently visited a French foreign language class and the teacher asked if I had ever hear of Henri the Cat.  I take a tiny bit of pride in attempting […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

In addition to working for EdTechTeacher as an Instructor and Online Content Developer, Beth Holland has been coaching high school sailing at St. George’s School in Middletown, RI for the […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

At EdTechTeacher, when we talk about creating student-centric learning environments, we like to encourage educators to find creative ways to allow students to communicate and collaborate both in person as […]

On Thursday, April 19th, EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich was a guest on WBUR – Boston Public Radio. After ‘Kony 2012,’ Students Eager To Learn About Central Africa brought together a […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

Since EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, moved his blog to Education Week on April 9th, he’s been writing prolifically.  Here are some highlights and insights from the past week. Massive Online Courses […]

One might say the young Singaporean teacher that I critiqued in front of her colleagues was being stoic, but it didn’t feel that way. In Singapore, teachers critique each other’s […]

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which […]

The question of Why iPads? has been circulating a lot lately, and that is certainly the case even at EdTechTeacher. Last week, we addressed this question: “What is your opinion is […]

One of my first activities as an Outstanding Educator in Residence with the Academy of Singapore Teachers was to observe elementary school students using netbooks in a “hands-on” digital storytelling […]

This week, Justin’s blog, EdTechResearcher, is moving to Education Week. The mission of the blog has been to create a space at the intersection of research and practice: by translating research findings […]