A conversation with Beth and Sabba
Nearpod is a FREE tool that works on any device and allows teachers to guide students through presentations and activities both synchronously as well as asynchronously. Sabba Quidwai and Beth Holland walk through what is possible with Nearpod as well as providing tips for how to incorporate it during back-to-school activities
Blog Posts about Nearpod
Top 10 Tips for Nearpod – from the iPad Educators
This post from Steve Bambury highlights the reasons why he and his colleagues at iPad Educators (EdTechTeacher instructor, Sabba Quidwai, among them) love this app and are “PioNears.” …
Create Interactive Lessons for iPad – Guest Post from Bart Buckinx
This guest post from Bart Buckinx (@bartbuckinx) first appeared on Daily Genius. As a teacher, you are used to create your own lessons. The xerox, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint are your trusted companions. But how can you effectively use iPads in your lessons? …
Interactive Parent Meetings Using Nearpod – from Sabba Quidwai
Nearpod does exactly what should be done when introducing others to technology – it leads by example. By utilizing the features that Nearpod offers, the presenter can create an experience that allows the user to engage in the process, and not just be a passive participant.
Nearpod Videos & Tutorials
Nearpod from Nearpod on Vimeo. Get engaged with Nearpod! from Nearpod on Vimeo. Adapt your content to make it interactive by turning your Google presentations into Nearpods with the Nearpodize This extension for Chrome. This gives teachers the possibility to create and share lessons without having to prepare them in advance. Nearpodize This from Nearpod on Vimeo.