Teaching and Twitter: #edchat, #sschat, #mathchat, #engchat, #scichat….

Screen Shot of @gregkulowiecRecently, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec was quoted by both the Washington Post and the New York Times. In Teachers take to Twitter to improve craft and commiserate, Greg comments on the value of Twitter for promoting his own professional development.

“I always tell people the the most valuable 15 minutes I spend, in terms of my professional growth, is when I jump on Twitter at night and see what’s going on.”

The New York Times interviewed Greg about his involvement in creation #SSchat for Teachers Teaching Teachers, on Twitter: Q. and A. on ‘Edchats’. This question-and-answer session also included Thomas D. Whitby and Shelly Sanchez Terrell of #Edchat as well as Meenoo Rami who created #Engchat.

When asked how do he thought that new forms of digital communication could impact classrooms and schools, Greg replied:

“Teacher collaboration through social media tools is transforming the way teachers find, develop and use content in their classes. Twitter and our chats allow educators to crowdsource for content, ideas, pedagogy and research.

Social media also allows teachers to connect their classrooms to create collaborative projects that would have otherwise been impossible. Participating in a Twitter chat is an energizing and motivating experience, one that will force you to reconsider your perspective and grow as an educator.”

To learn more about how Greg integrates social media, web 2.0, and iPads into his curriculum, check out his blog, The History 2.0 Classroom.