Individual Student Video Meetings

Google Calendar Appointment Slots X Google Meet

by Greg Kulowiec

At a time when teachers and students are connecting remotely due to school closings, synchronous video check-ins are becoming an increasingly normal part of the school day. However, whole group meetings can be challenging for teachers to manage and might not allow for the individual connection that we are hoping to create with synchronous video. Fortunately, for schools that are using G Suite, Google Calendar and Google Meet, there is an embedded feature in Google Calendar that allows educators to create the opportunity for students to claim individual meeting slots. The Appointment Slot feature in Google Calendar could be just the process to create events, manage meetings and connect via Google Meet video.

The video walk through below explains the entire process for using Appointment Slots from both the teacher and student perspective.

For reference and support please visit the Google Appointment Slots help page as well.

Join Greg in an upcoming Spring course: Designing Interactive Digital Experiences for MS & HS