Welcome to December! We took last week off for Thanksgiving, but have lots of resources this week – as well as a few announcements.
BIG News from EdTechTeacher
Welcome Douglas Kiang!
We are thrilled to add Douglas Kiang as the newest member of our instructional team. In many ways, Douglas has worked with us for several years as an instructor at the iPad Summits and Summer Workshops. However, he is now officially joining us from Oahu! Douglas currently works at Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he teaches computer science, provides technology professional development to faculty, and is co-director of the Lab School@Punahou – an intensive two-week cohort-based professional development experience for teachers from all over the world. He will be leading a number of workshops in the coming months, and we are thrilled to have him on board in a more official capacity.
Leading Future Learning 2014 Call for Proposals OPEN
The Call for Proposals is open through December 18th! We invite educators to submit 1-hour session proposals on topics that will shape our classrooms of the future. Topics should explore connections between the skill sets and content that our students need to develop in order to thrive in their future as well as the range of technological advancements that will change the face of classrooms for years to come. Submit your ideas soon!
Early Bird Registration for iPad Summit San Diego
We received almost 200 proposals for iPad Summit San Diego! A list of session titles and descriptions will be posted as soon as speakers confirm. We expect this to be another SOLD OUT event, so please register soon! Early Bird Registration closes January 3rd.
Resources from the Web
NH Digital Resources Consortium
Resources and information from the New Hampshire Digital Resources Consortium.
DCS Technology Curriculum
Deerfield Computer Science digital curriculum – from NH, free resources to support teaching technology.
PG Book Reviews – YouTube
Dan Callahan’s Book Talk playlist
Projecting Nexus 7 Screen onto Macbook – Google Drive
Step by step instructions for mirroring a Nexus
The Thinglink Ripple Effect
Fantastic post from TechChef4U – aka Lisa Johnson – with excellent examples of ThingLink in action.
LiveMinutes – Edit your Evernote notes in real-time with others!
Use this app for live collaboration with Evernote
View source on the iPad and iPhone
Install this bookmarklet to view source in Safari on iPad!
Moovly – Create Animated Content like a Pro
Similar to VideoScribe, this web-based tool creates interesting animated videos that export to YouTube.
ZurApps Research Inc. | MathPad
Mathpad helps students write mathematical notes.
New iPad app for teaching young students about programming and coding
Student Documentaries in History Class | Indiana Jen
Post outlining the whole process for writing and creating documentaries in history class. Could be applied to other subjects as well.
App Smash Tutorial 1 – YouTube
App Smash video tutorial created for students.
Flipping the Class with Explain Everything & Google Drive – jonbergmann.com
Great post on flipping with iPads, Drive, & Explain Everything from Jon Bergmann
Visiting the world one page at a time | Learning Infinity
Great list of examples for how teachers can incorporate Book Creator into the curriculum.
eTools for Language Teachers: Making movies with SockPuppets
Great example of a foreign language activity that mashes together multiple Sock Puppet videos in iMovie to create a single video with an audio track.
Using Blogs and Twitter With Young Students: THIS is What it Looks Like
From Kathy Cassidy – lists of Google Docs showing elementary Twitter accounts and blogs.
Create Interactive Video Presentations with the Touchcast iPad app
Tutorial and info about using Touchcast