Ten Reasons to Take a Teaching Foreign Languages with Technology Workshop

EdTechTeacher Director, Tom Daccord, will be leading this year’s Teaching Foreign Languages with Technology workshop in Menlo Park.


Top Ten Reasons to take an ETT Foreign Language Workshop:

10. Discover tools that motivate kids to speak a foreign language.
9. Make it easy for kids to practice a foreign language anywhere, anytime.
8. Explore great apps for building language skills.
7. Learn in beautiful and historic Harvard Yard!
6. Create interactive stories and professional movie trailers in a foreign language.
5. Explore versatile tools for formative & summative assessment.
4. Find great world language blogs full of tremendous ideas.
3. Develop comfort and confidence with technology through extended hands-on exploration
2. Leave with great ideas for using technology purposefully, creatively, and effectively in language learning.
1. Exchange ideas with language educators from around the world!