Weekly Resources to Wrap Up May

It’s hard to believe that it’s already Memorial Day Weekend. For those of you who are already out of school, congratulations! In the North East, we still have a few weeks to go.

NEW from EdTechTeacher

Welcome Shawn!

We are thrilled to announce that Shawn McCusker from Chicago has officially joined our team as an instructor. Though his Boston Advanced iPad workshops is SOLD OUT, space is still available in his Atlanta and Chicago summer workshop sessions.

Get to Know Samantha

Two weeks ago, we announced that Samantha Morra joined the EdTechTeacher team.

  1. This past week, she led her first webinar on Digital Storytelling. If you missed it, the recording link is now available in our archives.
  2. Come meet Sam in person! She will be leading Teaching the Elementary Grades in Chicago, as well as three workshops in Boston: The Flipped ClassroomDigital Storytelling & Multimedia Student Projects, and All Things Google
  3. Samantha has taken over our EdTechTeacher Pinterest page. Make sure you follow our board.

Articles from Greg, Beth, & Tracy

Postach.io X Evernote X Explain Everything X iPads from Greg

In this new post on his blog, The History 2.0 Classroom, Greg writes about a new blogging platform, Postach.io, that generates content from a designated Evernote notebook.

I think Postach.io could become a viable blogging option for schools in 1:1 settings (iPad or laptop) where students are already using Evernote as a digital notebook platform. While Evernote notebooks can already be shared with a public link or directly to another Evernote user, Postach.io allows Evernote users to fill a notebook with multiple notes, but can select which ones are published to the blog by tagging with “published.”

Combining Postach.io and Evernote with apps such as Explain Everything, students have the ability to publish blog posts with their own custom images, graphics, or even posters.

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning from Beth & Tracy

Beth and Tracy Sockalosky teamed up on this new post for Edudemic. For the past several months, they have been collaborating on ways to use technology to reach the needs of all learners in preparation for our July Leveraging Technology to Differentiate Instruction: Creating Rich Curricula for ALL Students workshop. 

When we think about the tools and resources that benefit all learners, certain key attributes come to mind: multiple modalities, scaffolding, communication, collaboration, and support. While there are hundreds of tools and devices available, we have found 10 strategies to maximize the learning possibilities through creative uses of All Things Google.

More Resources from around the Web

RealtimeBoard | Online collaboration whiteboard
Web based collaborative whiteboard that interfaces with Drive

Speaking of History……..: Field Trip App – Discover History All Around You
Use the Field Trip app while on a literal field trip to create an augmented reality experience. This is a great post about taking technology on a physical field trip to Washington DC.

ThingLink Mobile
With the new ThingLink app, it’s now possible to create ThingLinks from iPod, iPhone, & iPad!

Developing a 1:1 Tablet PD Program, Step One | 21st Century Teachnology
“The first rule of iPads: Do not talk about iPads.” Excellent advice from Martin Moran about starting a 1:1 iPad program.

Animator Free
Create flipbooks from iPad. Includes drawing tools and final videos can be saved to the camera roll.

How to Save Web Pages as PDF Files on the iPad & iPhone
Another web to PDF solution on an iPad by installing a Bookmarklet and adjusting the code.

Virtual digital storytelling app with computer generated characters.

Free digital storytelling iPad app that includes the ability to draw pictures, add audio, and publish either to the web or the camera roll.