Weekly Resources: Google Tools, Digital Storytelling, & New Posts

This past week, we have seen an influx of resources for our July 25-26 All Things Google workshop thanks to news from the Google I/O Keynote. We also uncovered new tools and resources for our May 21st Digital Storytelling webinar and July 8-10 Digital Storytelling & Multimedia Student Projects workshop.

All Things Google

Teacher’s Guide to Adding Images in Google Forms ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Thanks to an update, it is now possible to add images to Google Forms, allowing teachers to incorporate maps, graphs, diagrams and other images into assessments.

Joe the ITC: Google Drive – Adding Voice Comments
We mentioned before about a Voice Comments, a Chrome App that that allows you to leave audio feedback inside Google Docs. This post offers more of an explanation of the pedagogical benefits.

Google: Exploring Computational Thinking
We learned about this resource during our webinar last week on Computational Thinking (recording available). Google offers a variety of content-specific lessons geared to incorporate CT.

Digital Storytelling

Though billed as an “alternative assessment” tool, Flipgrid could also be used for collaborative storytelling. Teachers can create grids in which students respond with personal video narratives.

sketchlot – Create a sketch, share it with students
This web-based, collaborative whiteboard works on ALL devices. Students can work together to illustrate and plan their stories.

Prezi hyperlinks solution
Though Prezi is usually considered more of a presentation tool, with this work-around, it is possible to turn those presentations into more of a “choose your own ending” story.

NEW Articles

We have been writing a lot lately for a variety of blogs. If you missed any of our posts last week, here are the details.