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This post, written by Jen Carey, originally appeared on Edudemic. Plagiarism, defined as the “wrongful appropriation” of another’s words or ideas, is a pervasive problem in schools. Many teachers and administrators believe that the internet has caused an explosion of academic dishonesty (a recent PEW survey of College Presidents would agree). While, most teachers and administrators are familiar with tools like turnitin that can catch plagiarism after the fact, there are some ways that educators can combat plagiarism before it starts! In the new digital frontier, we need to hold digital literacy at the forefront when teaching students how to…

The following posts come from Patrick Larkin’s blog Learning in Burlington. Thinking About More Relevant Schools and Classrooms…Part 1 (Disclaimer – The concerns I [Patrick] have are not just about the school system where I work or the one where my students attend, they are systemic issues that everyone of us who is impacted by the education of our youth should consider.  Oh yeah, we are all impacted by the education of our youth!) As I continue to read stories about what is happening in the “real world,” you know the place we are supposed to be preparing our students for,…

As Teacher Appreciation Week 2013 comes to a close, we hope this post will serve as one final “treat.” NEW from EdTechTeacher For those of you who missed our big announcements this week, we have two. iPad Summit 2013 in Boston It’s official! The Call for Proposals and Early Bird Registration are both OPEN for the November 13-15 iPad Summit at The Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA. We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Ruben Puentedura – creator of the SAMR Model, and Dr. David Weinberger – Senior Researcher at the Harvard Berkman Center and Co-Director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab,…

The following post was written by EdTechTeacher’s Shawn McCusker and Beth Holland. They will also be leading EdTechTeacher Summer Workshops in Atlanta, Chicago, and Boston. It originally appeared on Edudemic. When we work with schools embarking on 1:1 programs, losing classroom culture often tops the list of concerns. Teachers worry about too much screen time and lack of face-to-face interaction. Between the two of us, we have taught  in 1:1 environments with students in grades 2-12. Despite the wonderful learning opportunities afforded by these devices, sometimes, the technology is best when turned off. Turning OFF an Elementary Classroom “1-2-3 look…

During this first week of May, we continued to wrap up our Teaching for the 21st Century (T21) workshops and prepare for Summer. We have new articles and resources this week, as well as big plans coming for Teacher Appreciation Week. New Articles Five Ways For Teachers To Get Quality PD This Summer Summer vacation is certainly an important time for educators to recharge their batteries and catch a brief respite from the grind of the school year. Patrick describes 5 meaningful PD opportunities to extend learning and build momentum before heading into a new school year. No Email, No Login,…

This post first appeared on Free Technology for Teachers. From the beginning, a major challenge of working with iPad is actually working with iPad. Unlike a computer, there are no multi-user logins, no file structures, and no easy way to share these devices with multiple students. Additionally, in elementary classrooms the challenge becomes even more difficult. Students don’t have email addresses. The Terms of Service of many cloud storage options preclude those under the age of 13 from having an account, and devices are often shared. So how can teachers easily distribute content under these circumstances? Here are three ways…

This article from Patrick Larkin first appeared on Edudemic. Summer vacation is certainly an important time for educators to recharge their batteries and catch a brief respite from the grind of the school year. Additionally, summer is a great time for educators to take advantage of the additional time that they may finally have on their hands for some professional learning. For many of us, our school schedules allow little opportunity for any meaningful professional development time between Labor Day and June. For others, the schedule of school-year professional development offerings that we can access in our districts may be…

We officially shifted into spring/summer mode this past week. Our T21 programs have started to wrap up with final face-to-face workshops, and registrations are streaming in for Summer Workshops. This also means that our writing has diversified as we reflect on pedagogical concepts such as assessment, PLN curation, and collaboration, and begin building our toolkits for summer. This week’s post includes resources from both schools of thought. New Articles from the EdTechTeacher Team Why iPads? It’s a Question of Innovation from Tom Daccord The question that administrators and educators rarely address is the most important and fundamental of all: “Why iPads?” How, exactly, does…

Beth originally published this article on Edudemic. A few months ago, shortly after the first EdTechTeacher iPad Summit, I spent the day with a college friend out on Cape Cod. In telling me about her daughter’s class iPad pilot, my friend seemed both excited and hesitant. At one point in the conversation, she turned to me and said, “The one thing I hate, though, is that writing just stinks on iPad.” Initially, I took a bit of a defensive position and prepared to launch into my iPad is NOT a computer schtick. However, the more I listened – and have…

This post was originally published on Free Technology for Teachers. Do you have a rubric for that? Rubrics, designed to help teachers grade fairly and convey their learning objectives and performance standards to students, can serve a critical role especially with technology-rich projects. Teachers also like them for standardizing grading among teachers teaching the same course. At their best, rubrics firmly establish a minimum standard for learning and product construction. At their worst, rubrics become a recipe that can lead to all students producing the same product.  In these cases, creativity and the development of unique products become a casualty…

We ran the third webinar in our Spring Webinar Series this week – Chrome As…. Leveraging Chromebooks & the Chrome Browser to Support Student Learning. The recording link and presentation slides are available in our webinars archive. The posts and reflections on last week’s iPad Summit continue to come our way. Though we posted several of them earlier this week, more have been Tweeted with #ettipad.  iPad Summit Recaps & Reflections DJs, Papert, Jet Engines & iPads by Greg Kulowiec EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec reflected on his conference presentation and keynote. During his talk, he reflected on the disruptive nature of technology and its impact…

The post below, written by EdTechTeacher Senior Associate – Patrick Larkin – in response to Greg Kulowiec’s iPad Summit Keynote first appeared on Edudemic. The question above comes from Greg Kulowiec’s Keynote Presentation last Thursday – What is the answer with iPads? – at the iPad Summit in Atlanta, and it is a critical question for educators involved in iPad initiatives (or any 1:1 initiative) to reflect upon. Thinking as a school administrator who pushed for the deployment of over 1,000 devices in his school, I have to admit that I initially responded somewhat defensively as I went with iPad…

After the first iPad Summit, EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, made A Plea to Teachers with iPads: Make Your Practice Visible. “If you are teaching and creating learning experiences with iPads, we really need you to share your practice online.” In response to that post, we saw an influx of thoughtful articles. Without even issuing a call-to-action, we have started to curate some excellent reflection pieces from last week’s event. If you are writing and reflecting, we hope that you will share your work. PBL PD: Integrating Formative Assessment, Twitter, & Brain-based Research #ettipad #ettlearns from Jill Gough Jill wrote the following before her…

Last week, we were incredibly fortunate to have Jen Carey live blogging the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit for us – you can also read her posts at She did a tremendous job covering the sessions that she attended, and we are lucky enough to have the following posts from John Umekubo – Director of Technology at St. Matthew’s School in Los Angeles, CA – to provide another perspective. EdTech Teacher iPad Summit – Pre-Conference On the first day, John attended Shawn McCusker’s iPads in Middle/High School pre-conference workshop. His first post details not only the tools and apps introduced, but also…

The team of Jennie Magiera, Autumn Laidler, & Anita Orozco Huffman set the tone for Day 2 with their amazing morning keynote: Redefining the AUSL Chicago Public Schools Classroom. Using the SAMR model as a guide, they walked us through amazing examples of their students learning, exploring, innovating and creating. By 10:34am, #ettipad had topped the trends list and master live-blogger, Jen Carey, had already started posting about the amazing morning sessions. During lunch, EdTechTeacher Director, Tom Daccord, challenged participants with the question “What does Learning Look Like?” with his keynote – Building the iPad Classroom. The afternoon sessions continued to provide…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Tony Perez of the Atlanta Girls School: How can standing in place be interactive – or – how we sold our interactive boards and redefined our classrooms. I saw Tony speak at the last iPad Summit and today was eager to hear more about what the Atlanta Girls School was doing. I love the fact that Tony starts out this discussion by being honest – that this was not an easy transition, and in fact he categorizes it as a “tale…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Day 2 Concurrent Session with Douglas Kiang – The Curated Classroom: Finding and Sharing Great Online Content with iTunes U I am a big fan of iTunes U, so I was thrilled to learn about Douglas Kiang’s presentation on creating and curating content using iTunes U in your classroom. He started out by telling us that teachers are storytellers, curators, and publishers. Storytelling Being creative, a designer, is what is key in this new world. Storytellers, or concept bearers, are…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Day 2 Afternoon Keynote with Tom Daccord: “Keys to Building a Successful iPad Program” Tom’s keynote focuses on redefining not only the physical classroom, but also the cognitive and metaphysical classroom. He states that he will explore, though briefly, what this means for educators and administrators. “What does learning look like?” Tom asks us. In other words, how do we know that learning is going on? We certainly have an idea of what it is and what it looks like,…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Day 2 Morning Keynote: Redefining the Classroom: The AUSL and Chicago Public Schools by: Autumn Laidler Anita Orozco Huffman Jennie Magiera Please see their presentation content here and on the iPad Summit Site. Autumn, Anita, and Jennie are all veteran and distinguished educators with the Chicago Public School System as well as a network of schools within the Academy for Urban Schools in Chicago (AUSL).  These teachers are clearly excited and e nthusiastic. Those of who saw them at…

This article below, written by Greg Kulowiec, first appeared yesterday on Edudemic. Last November, Justin Reich, our co-founder at EdTechTeacher, wrote a piece on his Education Week blog, If You Meet an iPad on the Way, Smash It. The piece came out the morning of the first iPad Summit in Boston and put iPad use in schools into perspective. As Justin explained in the piece, “If the nitty-gritty details of iPad use distract us from our larger mission, then we need to smash them. If we get too lost in the “how” of iPads in classrooms, then we need to…

What a day! From the opening keynote with Angela Maiers to Greg Kulowiec’s What is the Answer with iPads? to the final sessions, some amazing learning, sharing, communicating, and collaborating occurred during Day 1 of the Atlanta iPad Summit. All of the presentations that we can find are published on the iPad Summit web site. Before going any further, a HUGE thank you goes out to our Live-Blogger, Jen Carey. All of her posts are also available on her blog at She presents The iPad for Personal Professional Development tomorrow morning, so you can meet her in person. Another thank you goes out…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Concurrent Session #3: The iPad as a Leadership Tool with Patrick Larkin I saw Patrick Larkin first speak at the iPad Summit last Fall. If you would like to read about that, see my blog post “Getting Your Entire School Community on Board with iPads (1:1).” Given that experience, I could not pass up an opportunity to watch him again. Patrick starts out his discussion by telling us about his journey implementing iPad into a 1:1 environment. He…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – What is the Answer with iPads? from Greg Kulowiec How does iPad support teaching and learning? How do they give students a voice? How do they get children to focus on things that matter? Greg starts out his talk by telling us about his days as a DJ. The “menial task of carrying turn tables and vinyl records in milk crates” occupied his pre-teaching years. Just as the 21st century has redesigned the life and tools of a…

EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, writes regularly at EdTechResearcher. This post first appeared yesterday on his Education Week blog. EdTechTeacher’s iPad Summit begins today. For three days people from around the world will come together to play, explore, share, and discuss how iPads might play a role in creating richer learning environments for young people. If the event is well-crafted, participants will have meaningful conversations with one another about how iPads can enhance classroom practice and student learning. The only way for the event to be successful is for participants to bring those conversations back to their schools and districts. Using tablets to…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Concurrent Session #2 – Redesigning your Learning Spaces: How Mobile Technology Demands a New Classroom – Don Orth, Director of Technology at Hillbrook School, Christa Flores, MS Science & iLab Director, Tim Springer, Founder & President Hero, Inc. What should classrooms (physically) look like with the learning that is happening now? The Hillbrook School is hosting an iPad School 2.0 Summit this summer. Big Picture questions: Where do you go to be creative? When is the last time you reinvented your…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – Concurrent Session #1: iPads for Administrators – Chris Casal While the title of this talk is iPad for Administrators, the focus is less about administration and more on working as a leader (in every capacity) in the school. Chris works for a public school in NYC of about 1,000 students. Administrators view iPads primarily for three things: communication, collaboration, and observation. They often have a fourth goal as well: going paperless. iPad is an amazing tool for…

Jen Carey is LIVE blogging for us from the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA. You can also find these posts on her site – “Follow my lead. Let’s go somewhere that matters – not just somewhere that glitters.” – Angela Maiers Please note: the slides and audio for Angela’s talks are available on her website. Angela Maiers is an experienced and passionate educator. She is a celebrated author and keynote speaker. She just kicked off the iPad Summit with her keynote address. Angela’s excitement is palpable in the large conference room. In spite of some technical difficulties (a staple at…

We had an amazing day of learning thanks to our spectacular instructors: Tom Daccord, Greg Kulowiec, Douglas Kiang, Shawn McCusker, Jill Gough, Darren Kuropatwa, Tedd Landraf, Rhonda Mitchell, Don Orth, Chris Harrow, Jeff Morrison, Tammy Bailey, Marsha Harris, and Tony Perez. All of the presentation materials can be found on the iPad Summit web site. Here are a few thoughts, ideas, and images from the day. How this video came together Apps Used: Animoto, Twitter, & Camera Roll Saved images from Tweets to Camera Roll Copy & Pasted Tweets into Animoto (Hint: Have to choose option to Quote Retweet in order to…

So I received the tweet below from a friend in Iowa this morning: Being one of the first schools in our region to go all in on iPads at the high school level, I am always interested in reading the perspectives of others on this topic.  I think that there are a number of questions that need to be addressed for schools thinking about increasing the number of devices in their classrooms or moving towards a 1:1 program.  The post referenced in the tweet by my friend Jimmy, a high school Principal in Iowa, is worth a read for people…

I thoroughly enjoy coming up with workflow solutions for iPads. Don Orth (@fonddonorth) recently posted a picture of a well thought out iPad workflow solution for teacher created video feedback on student writing. Don’s diagram below uses a combination of eBackpack, Explain Everything, Reflector and PDF Annotate. Don’s diagram is outstanding, but I also wanted to provide a solution for schools using Google Apps and iPads. The diagram below uses a combination of Pages, Explain Everything and Google Drive to achieve the same result, teacher created video feedback. Pages could of course be swapped out for any word processing app…

It’s hard to believe that our 2nd National iPad Summit kicks off in just a few days. To get ready, we have re-designed, updated, and added to our iPad As… page. We also sent out our April Newsletter and hosted our second webinar of the Spring Series – The Flipped Mobile Classroom. If you missed EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland, you can watch the recording link and also join them on April 16th at 5:00 pm EST for Chrome As…. Leveraging Chromebooks & the Chrome Browser to Support Student Learning. This week, we are focusing our resources on 1:1 and mobile learning.…

A few weeks ago, Shawn McCusker wrote The Textbook is Dead, Long Live the Textbook! – From Shawn McCusker. This week, EdTechTeacher Senior Associate, Patrick Larkin, discusses his district’s move away from the traditional textbook and towards teacher curated content. As we make the transition away from textbooks as the primary resource for teachers and classrooms, it is understandable that so many people are looking for THE ANSWER which would allow them make this change with as little struggle as possible. Why wouldn’t we do this when most of us have been “schooled” to think that there is always one…

This week, our top resource is actually our own! Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland have re-designed and updated the iPad As.. page. They have a few more updates in the works, including recommendations for Math, Science, Art, and Elementary classes. iPad Resources Create an All-iPad Class Radio Show with AudioBoo, Bossjock, GoodReader, & SoundCloud Great post by Wes Freyer that outlines how to create and publish podcasts / radio shows from an iPad using a handful of apps. Canvas SpeedGrader for iPad Walkthrough Walkthrough of using Speed Grader for the Canvas iPad LMS PocketZoo This app curates web cams and content to create a…

For over a year, we have been working to dispel the myth that there’s an app for that… However, as Greg continues to document, while there may not be one single app, two might just do the trick. Explain Everything X Google Drive = Awesome! Using iPads in the classroom and particularly workflow solutions for iPads has slowly progressed from maddening to relatively seamless. While just last year an app for Google Drive didn’t exist, it now directly interfaces quite nicely with a number of student creation apps and nearly everything can upload to Google Drive using the “open in” feature.…

Though it has continued to snow in New England this week, the calendar says that Spring is here! If that’s the case, then it can only mean one thing at EdTechTeacher – we are furiously preparing for our 2013 Summer Workshops. That said, we have broadened the scope of our research in light of our new offerings. From this point forward, in addition to iPad resources, you’ll find information about BYOD, Google, Common Core, and more! iPad Resources How Does iPad Workflow Fluency Look in Kindergarten Great post from Silvia Tolisano – aka Langwitches – on workflow realities with kindergarteners.…

At EdTechTeacher, we are privileged to work with a host of talented educators from across the country including Shawn McCusker (@ShawnMcCusker) co-leader of #sschat, creator of #1to1techat, and organizer of both EdCampChicago and EdCampSocialStudies. In addition to being one of our featured instructors for the iPad Summit and our EdTechTeacher Summer Workshops, this year, he is teaching in a  1:1 iPad pilot at William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois and recently proclaimed: The Textbook is Dead, Long Live the Textbook! What 1:1 is doing to Traditional Classroom Resources Yep I said it. The days of the traditional textbook are over.…

In addition to our weekly resources, here are a few other items of interest. Explain Everything: iPad Screencasting and More 
webinar with Reshan Richards: If you couldn’t join us live on the 28th, here are the Presentation Slides,Resource Web Site, & Recording Link. Spring Webinar Series: We kick off our Spring Series on Thursday. May 7th, with Has digital killed the written word? A writer’s journey into the wilderness of digital storytelling with special guests, Fitz & Becca Cahall. Registration is free! March Newsletter: We emailed out our latest newsletter with webinar details, new articles, upcoming events, and more. You can also read it online.…

Last week, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec wrote: After working with iPads for any amount of time in the classroom, one will quickly realize that most processes can’t be completed with just one app. While many apps slightly overlap in terms of functionality, there tends to be a few black holes in each app that require the use of another app to complete the process. This leads us to App Smashing. App Smashing Defined: The process of using multiple apps in conjunction with one another to complete a final task or project. In App Smashing: Part I, Greg walks through his favorite…

At EdTechTeacher, with regard to iPads, we started last spring with Why? – as in Why iPad? and Why Mobile Device? We looked at the pathway from Consumption to Creation to Curation and, more recently, to Connection. All the Good Apps Fit on One Screen Last week, Co-Founder Justin Reich wrote, all the good apps fit on one screen. At first glance, that statement may seem counterintuitive; and yet, a search for #onescreen on Twitter reveals not only a host of creative solutions but also reinforces the concept that “educators shouldn’t think of iPads as repositories of apps but rather as portable media creation…

EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, issued a challenge on his EdTechResearcher blog last week – to share your iPad home screen with the hashtag #onescreen. One of the core principles of good iPad usage that my EdTechTeacher colleagues have developed is the idea that educators should focus on creation apps rather than content apps. Most apps that are designed to teach specific content are terrible, so educators shouldn’t think of iPads as repositories of apps but rather as portable media creation devices. Thus, educators don’t need to review and master the hundreds of education apps that come out every year; rather, they should consider how a small…

ADVENTURES OF IPADS IN KINDERGARTEN Blog from an Ohio kindergarten teacher about integrating iPads and other technologies into a kindergarten classroom Tags: kindergarten, blog CollabraCam: Collaborative Mobile Multi Camera Video Production Collaborative film making – up to four devices stream their video over wifi to one iPad…this seems quite amazing! Tags: video, imovie, videoediting, videoprojects, collaboration First Grade Workflow Fluency | Langwitches Blog Example of how 1st graders are using iPads to redefine their classroom. Tags: 1st, 1stgrade, elementary, workflow, SAMR Celebrations Smith – YouTube 1st graders create celebrations using ExplainEverything Tags: 1st, 1stgrade, elementary, ExplainEverything, iPad, screencast

In a recent piece for Edudemic, I explored six ways that students can collaborate with iPads.  As a follow up, I thought I would share a few other methods by which students can collaborate, some possible now, some coming down the road.  A pattern is emerging in my perspective on iPad use in the classroom…find ways to collaborate with these devices. TimelineJS In my last blog post I outlined a method by which students can collaborate in real time on a google form to create a web based timeline.  The entire process is outlined here.  What I like most about…

Lately, in addition to researching iPads, we have been exploring other tools such Google Apps, Chrome Books, and Android Tablets, as well as broader pedagogical topics like collaboration, reflection, and the impact of technology on the Common Core. This summer, we will be offering a host of workshops on these topics, and more, in Atlanta, Boston, and Chicago. We will also continue to run webinars throughout the remainder of the winter and spring. Upcoming topics include: February 12th at 4:00 pm EST: Capturing, Sharing, and Resolving Perplexitywith guest Dan Meyer February 28th at 5:00pm EST: Explain Everything: iPad Screencasting and More with guest Reshan…

These days I find myself searching for ways that allow for collaboration with iPads. In a recent piece I wrote for Edudemic I outlined 6 ways that students can currently collaborate using iPads and this afternoon another possibly crossed my mind. TimelineJS is a web based timeline creator, that in my opinion is the best timeline creation tool on the web.  What I like most about this platform is that the creation process takes place in a google form.  There is a template that can be downloaded from the TimelineJS site that is automatically pulled into a users Google Drive…

We had a busy week. First, Director Tom Daccord presented Leadership & School Cultures that Effectively Support 21st Century Learning with Patrick Larkin at EduCon 2.5. During this session, they discussed how effective leaders nurture school cultures that promote and exercise a vision for conscientious innovation with new learning technologies. The conversation addressed how to develop school cultures where stakeholders share a vision of meaningful technology integration to support 21st Century learning and examined both U.S and Singaporean systems where school administrators provide structured support to develop institutional capacity for systemic reform. They will continue the conversation in a FREE,…

Progressive school administrators understand that teachers need room to explore and experiment to uncover ways to use technology effectively in the service of learning. These administrators recognize that initial tech integration forays may fall short, or even fail, but they realize that experiences gleaned help build institutional knowledge of best practices. Ultimately, enhanced community-wide knowledge and understanding of tech integration practices reduces fears and uncertainties — at both an individual and school-wide level — and provides a foundation for growth. A common trait of successful education technology programs is a culture of innovation where administrators understand that increasing institutional growth…

Readlists ePub creator that is based off of web links. Final list can be downloaded, shared as a link, emailed…. Tags: ebooks, reading, epub, curation, eBook, author, textbook, PDF Science360 From the National Science Foundation (NSF), this app provides images and videos that could be great content sources for other projects. Tags: science, ipad, app Writer’s Workshop poetry lesson with the iPad on Vimeo Excellent video from @1stGradeThinks class – using iPads as part of the writing process at the elementary level. Tags: ipad, poetry, writersworkshop, elementary, video Easy Assessment – Rubric Creation & Assessment Tool for Teachers Though not…

The app store is loaded with options that allow students to create content on their iPads. From comic strip creators to mind maps, video editing and publishing, screencasting & digital books, the options for individual student creation are expanding. However, collaboration between students is often a critical component of any classroom activity or project and increasingly there are options available that allow for collaborative efforts across iPads. Below are six ways to support collaboration between student iPads that cover the spectrum of creation options that range from text to digital storytelling to video creation. Explain Everything ($2.99) A flexible and…

For the past few days, I’ve been playing with a Chromebook. Though I have been an advocate of Google’s myriad web products since the beta-test Gmail account that I was invited to open over 10 years ago, I had not previously put my hands on one of these devices. I may be in love. This may come as a shock since I have spent the past two years completely immersed in iPads. I love my iPad too, and my iPhone, and my mostly retired iPod Touch. However, as mobile devices go, I don’t see the need for a monogamous relationship.…

We had quite the week at EdTechTeacher. In addition to reviewing over 118 proposals for the upcoming EdTechTeacher iPad Summit, we kicked off our Winter Webinar Series with Evolving Technology Use in the Classroom. If you missed this event, the recording link is now available in our Webinar Archives. On January 24th, our FREE, live Webinar Series continues at 6:00 pm EST with Creating a Curriculum Based on Communication, Collaboration, & Reflection. Guest speakers Jill Gough & Rhonda Mitchel from the Trinity School in Atlanta as well as Sue Tumarello from Montclair Kimberly Academy in New Jersey will talk about how…

As iPads proliferate in schools around the world, and students as well as teachers create more and more content, questions about what to do with all of those learning objects have arisen. In other words, how can we curate this content into portfolios for assessment as well as reflection. Portfolio Curation with Google Drive Source: The Verge With recent upgrades to the Google Drive app on the iPad, it is now a viable solution for student portfolios that can be created in their entirety on iPad. Everything that is created by a student can be uploaded directly to their Google…

Happy Friday! The busy start to 2013 continued this week with Tom, Greg, and Beth all leading workshops. We do have some exciting news and updates for you. First off, please welcome Patrick Larkin to the EdTechTeacher team. He will conduct workshops and webinars with us and also be a featured presenter at the iPad Summit. iPad Summit USA – Atlanta Only 4 days left to submit your proposal to the 2013 EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA! The deadline is January 15th at 11:59 pm EST. We are pleased to add two more featured presenters to the lineup: Don Orth from…

In response to the growing discussion around iPad workflow, student curation, and portfolio assessments, I started to look at Why the conversation had shifted in this direction. In fact, my colleague, Greg Kulowiec, wrote an excellent post a few weeks ago about using Google Drive to create student portfolios. His detailed presentation and screencast walk through the workflow of curating student content into Drive, and then sharing it with teachers and peers. While it has become apparent that empowering our students with iPads and other mobile devices unlocks tremendous potential to create, communicate, and collaborate, the still unanswered question is how do…

Happy New Year! With the holidays as well as our first workshop of 2013 at Heathwood Hall School in Columbia, South Carolina, we only have a few items to share this week. Is The iPad King? It Is For Us And That’s All That Matters (For Now) Patrick Larkin, Assistant Superintendent for Learning for Burlington Public Schools in Massachusetts, wrote a great post on his blog about the future of iPads. Tablets Gain Ground with Students and Kids We found this article and infographic to paint an amazing picture of the mobile, digital native. Map: Back-To-School Drives 100+ Huge iPad &…

This is officially our last post for 2012, and, looking back, we realize that 2012 was certainly the Year of the iPad. Over the past 12 months, we have hosted workshops, webinars, and our inaugural iPad Summit, with the goal of helping educators to transform their classrooms with these devices. Where We’ve Been…. Last January,  in his post Calculus, MacBeth, and Geometry – using iPads to revolutionize the classroom, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec asked, “How can we leverage technology to create an environment where students are able to share, demonstrate their understanding & create something that others can use in the future?” to kick off…

Happy Holidays! We hope that all of you have enjoyed the winter break from school. Here are a few posts and ideas to wrap up 2012. The Answer Pad This free version combines electronic and paper assessment for quick grading. Teachers can access pre-loaded Common Core standards and create unlimited answer sheets. Tags: ipad, assessment Educreations + Evernote = digital portfolios – iPaded Firsties Evernote & EduCreations as a portfolio solution for iPads Tags: portfolio, portfolios, eportfolios, educreations, Evernote Apps for iPad Classroom Instruction Strategies – Google Docs iPad apps by instructional strategy Tags: list, strategy, objective, spreadsheet TouchAppCreator for…

From all of us at EdTechTeacher, we wish you a Happy Holidays! Highlighter · Comment, Save, Share Platform similar to SubText that allows teachers to publish PDF, ePub, Word and Excel & classes / students can read collaboratively on any device.  Documents are published using HTML5 = iPad friendly. Tags: reading, subtext, collaboration, collaborative_reading, read, reader, publish, Highlight, Highlighter, comment iPaddiction Solid list of iPad related articles under the “iPad Articles” section Tags: articles, resources, examples, blog Graphing Stories – 15 seconds at a time Great math activity with or without stories. Have students graph the story. Tags: graphing, Math,…

This week, we have a slightly different approach to our update. If you haven’t noticed, we have been working on the EdTechTeacher iPad As… page, and over the coming weeks, you will find updated app descriptions, more suggestions, as well as additional student objectives. As a result of this process, we’ve learned some new things…. Breaking Research: Most Apps Bad – from Justin on EdTechResearcher Justin writes…. My EdTechTeacher colleagues Beth, Greg, and Tom have been pouring over educational apps. Lots and lots of apps. As practitioners, their instinct is that the vast majority of educational apps are terrible. Shovel-ware. Flashcards. Garbage. Tens of…

In addition to this week’s list of resources, make sure to visit our iPad As… page. Objectives 1-5 have been updated, and more changes are slated to come next week. Examples of Practice: Using iPads to Document Student Work | Reading By Example Using iPads as an administrator to document and promote student work. Tags: administrator ipad documentation administration examples Examples of Practice: Using iPads and Evernote When Assessing Readers | Reading By Example  Using Evernote to assess readers.  This ties in the SAMR Model as well. Tags:SAMR reading evaluating Evernote administrator Recommended iPad Apps for Administrators | Reading By Example  Suggested iPad apps for administrators Tags: administrators administration Roadshow  Collect web videos and…

EdTechTeacher Co-Founder wrote Search People, Not the Internet on his EdWeek blog – EdTechResearcher – shortly after the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit in November. In this post, he elaborates on a quote by EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec: “Search people, not the Internet.” Justin continues by writing…. What he means by this (and what I mean when I brazenly steal his line) is that if you are an educator with an established social network, it’s often considerably easier to find information from your colleagues than from the open Web. If you are looking for “ideas for a unit on the history of Vietnam with a…