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We hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday last week. In addition to iPad resources curated from the past two weeks, we have some news and announcements. First, registration is now open for the 2013 EdTechTeacher iPad Summit USA in Atlanta, GA from April 10-12. Next, we are thrilled to announce our 2013 Summer Teaching with Technology Workshop Series. For the first time, we are offering workshops in Chicago, Atlanta, and in Cambridge (near Boston). Finally, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland are in the process of updating the iPad As… page. Stay tuned for new suggestions, learning objectives, and…

At the conclusion of the iPad Summit, Co-Founder Justin Reich made A Plea to Teachers with iPads: Make Your Practice Visible. If you are teaching and creating learning experiences with iPads, we really need you to share your practice online. Educators from across the country took heed his advice and started posting their reflections. Here are some of the great articles from the past week. iPad Adventures at Lower School– this group of elementary teachers from Sidwell Friends School has blogged daily since the Summit. They began with On Becoming Innovators – Failure is Mandatory and ended the week with Documentation! … We’re thinking…

It’s hard to truly quantify and explain the excitement of the past few days. Over 500 educators from around the world joined the EdTechTeacher Team in Boston this week to tackle the challenge of effectively putting iPads in the service of learning. As Co-Founder Justin Reich wrote in his post on EdTechResearcher – A Plea to Teachers with iPads: Make Your Practice Visible. … My last conversation of the day was with a former principal and current graduate student at Harvard’s Ed School who said that the conference wasn’t really about iPads, it was about good teaching and learning. That’s my kind…

EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, wrote this great post as a prelude to this week’s EdTechTeacher iPad Summit on his blog at Education Week, EdTechResearcher. If you Meet an iPad on the Way, Smash It There is a famous Zen koan (a verbal, mental puzzle that Zen Buddhist adherents use for meditation and to deepen their practice) that offers a deadly paradox: If you meet the Buddha on the way, kill him. Being a few meters short of nirvana myself, I can’t perfectly articulate the meaning of the puzzle, but the general idea is this: “The way,” the path to enlightenment, needs to be individually…

Hard to believe, but the iPad Summit starts in three days! We look forward to seeing many of you next week. Remember that you can follow #ettipad throughout the conference for ideas, resources, and conversation. In next week’s iPad Resources and Suggestions post, we will include links to all of the presentations from the concurrent sessions. There will be a few new announcements as well…. Weekly Resources & Suggestions Science Education on the Edge · Experimenting with student-centered science education A great blog about iPad integration and technology integration intro science curricula. Tags: assessment, Science, education, ipad IPAD 4 SCHOOLS |…

EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland collaborated with Chicago educator, Shawn McCusker (@ShawnMcCusker) on this post for Edudemic. From Smoke Signals to Tweets: How The Evolution Of Communication Is Changing Your Classroom From quill and ink, to slate and chalk, to pencil and paper, to typewriter, to computer, to iPad…. each evolution of technology has allowed students to make their thinking visual, articulate their ideas, demonstrate their understanding of concepts and skills, collaborate with their peers, and communicate in complex and modern ways. Each advance has made it possible for those who master them to go a little further and to communicate a…

It’s hard to believe that the iPad Summit is in less than 2 weeks! There are still a few spots left for the November 6th Pre-Conference workshops. With attendees coming from across the country and abroad, the Summit is going to be a spectacular event! If you can’t join us in Cambridge, we do have one more online event next week. October 30th: Mobile Learning Activities With Guest Presenter Richard Byrne EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland and Greg Kulowiec will host Richard Byrne of Free Technology For Teachers to wrap up the Fall Webinar Series. In addition to presenting during this webinar…

First off, we are thrilled to announce that we have a few spaces available for the iPad Summit Pre-Conference Workshop Day! For session descriptions and registration, visit EdTechTeacher Conference Tour You can also look for members of the EdTechTeacher team presenting at a variety of events over the next ten days: Gail Ross-McBride will be at EdCamp Chicago on Saturday, October 20th, with Pre-Conference Workshop Instructor Shawn McCusker. Tom Daccord, Greg Kulowiec, and Beth Holland will all be presenting next week at the MASSCUE Technology Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 24-25. Greg Kulowiec is a featured speaker in Chicago…

Are you a Beta-Max? Now that we are all excited about integrating iPads into the classroom, what’s next? What are we all going to do in 18.. 24.. 36.. months when the next great device comes along? Are we all going to just start over? How do we, as educators, avoid being the next Beta-Max: that flash in the pan that couldn’t scale up and adjust to a rapidly changing market? While Beta-Max may be gone, the idea behind it  – that people wanted to easily access videos and then store them to watch later –  lives on in every…

Many schools have struggled with Apple’s latest update to iOS6. While there are certainly a lot of glitches, there are also some great new benefits. Here are a few lessons-learned and discoveries from the past few weeks. WiFi Settings Moved – just in case you’ve been looking for it, instead of being under General, it’s now in the left menu inside settings just below the Airplane Mode switch. Some Location Services Options are now under Privacy – apps that access the Photo Roll now ask for authorization. However, if you decline, then some other apps don’t work as well. For example, some…

The big news of the week is that the iPad Summit is SOLD OUT. We are currently taking registrations for the wait list only. However, you can still join us online. Fall Webinars We have two more free, live webinars this month. Come join us on October 18th for Realities of the 1:1 Classroom with guest presenters Shawn McCusker & Shaelynn Farnsworth and on October 30th for Mobile Learning Activities with guest presenter, Richard Byrne from Free Technology for Teachers. Registration is open! If you’ve missed any of our webinars so far this fall, you can access the recording links from our web…

Online, in workshops, and even with friends, I frequently get asked What can the iPad actually do? as a sort of challenge to the worth of the device. I would rather that they ask, What can you actually do with an iPad? So last week, in preparing for the New England Reading Association Conference and the NYSCATE Mobile Learning Summit, I decided to change my approach. Rather than structure my presentations by tool, or by app, or even by project, I organized myself around desired student outcomes – aka. what students can actually do. However, before addressing that question, I asked not only WHY iPads but WHY Technology? Because….…

Over the last few years K-12 schools and districts across the country have been investing heavily in iPads for classroom use. EdTechTeacher has been leading iPad professional development at many of these schools and we’ve seen firsthand how they approach iPad integration. While we’ve witnessed many effective approaches to incorporating iPads successfully in the classroom, we’re struck by the common mistakes many schools are making with iPads, mistakes that are in some cases crippling the success of these initiatives. We’re sharing these common challenges with you, so your school doesn’t have to make them. 1) Focusing on content apps The…

Early Bird Registration for the iPad Summit ends on September 30th – as does the iPad Summit Contest. Lainie Rowell, featured presenter from California, Shawn McCusker from Chicago, and Tony Perez from Atlanta will be joining the EdTechTeacher Team as instructors for the Pre-Conference Workshops. While these workshops are currently sold-out, we are looking into additional space. Educators from around the world have already signed up for the November 7-8 iPad Summit. There are still tickets available for this international event. Upcoming Learning Opportunities The EdTechTeacher Fall Webinar Series continues next week, October 4th, at 7:00 pm EST. Join us online…

As a follow up to my post, Whatever Happened to iBooks????, I thought a lot about how iBooks and the Camera may be two of the most powerful apps on the iPad, and yet the most under appreciated. In many ways, they are essentially “invisible apps.”   Two of the most powerful apps on the iPad may be completely invisible: iBooks and the Camera Roll. However, when used together, they have the potential to create powerful learning experiences and dynamic projects. Dynamic Math Portfolios In July, Greg Kulowiec and I taught a workshop on Creating Digital Course Content. One of our…

It’s hard to believe, but there are only 7 Days Left for Early Bird Registration to the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit! We have a list of confirmed concurrent sessions on the web site, and should have a schedule some time soon. Come join us for what is shaping up to be a tremendous event.   Weekly Resources & Suggestions App Store – Awesome Files File management and creation on an iPad. Tags: GoogleDrive, GoogleDocs, Dropbox, Box Appealing Apps for Educators: Screencasting Smackdown – Videos in the Classroom – iPhone app article – Jennie Magiera | Appolicious ™ iPhone and iPad App Directory…

With School underway & iPad programs and pilots in progress, I think it is important to reflect on and carefully consider why and how iPads can be used in the classroom.  In a recent piece written for Edudemic, I made the analogy that iPads are like Hammers.  Inspired by a shelf that my brother built for my daughter’s room and the realization that iPads are little more than tools or means to achieve an end goal, here are a few excerpts from the piece. My brother recently built a shelf for my daughter’s room. It is in the likeness of…

EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland co-led several iPad workshops this summer and has been working with schools across the country who are integrating iPads into their classrooms. She wrote the following post for Edudemic as a response to a dissuasion post about the use of iBooks in the classroom. Whatever Happened To iBooks?! Recently, I saw a post on a discussion board that asked, “Whatever happened to iBooks?” I found that a really entertaining concept, because my EdTechTeacher colleague – Greg Kulowiec – and I have spent hours on iBooks this summer in our workshops. In fact, iBooks is one of the…

It’s been a relatively quiet week at EdTechTeacher, so that can only mean one thing: everyone is back in school! We hope that everyone is off to a good start, and look forward to seeing you in the coming months – either in person or online. In addition to our weekly resources, we have a few other news items and reminders. iPad Summit Update – just the numbers There are exactly 60 DAYS until the start of the EdTechTeacher iPad Summit. Early Bird discounts are available for another 23 DAYS. Register soon to get your discount. After receiving over 80…

  I received this email the other day. Hi Beth. I am a student from the Harvard summer session on Teaching Elementary Grades with Technology. I have been voulun-told to teach a session on Literacy Centers using tech to staff members in a week. I am hoping you have some insight or ideas for this!? THANKS Jenn First off, I love the concept of being volun-told as that describes so much of how life evolves in a school, but I digress. Initially, I responded to Jenn by saying: … I’d be happy to help. What type of tech will you be using for…

It’s been a busy few weeks at EdTechTeacher, so we have tons to pack in to this week’s iPad Resources and Suggestions blog post. Fall Webinar Series Greg and Beth kicked off the 2012 Fall Webinar Series with The Flipped iPad Classroom as part of Connected Educator’s Month. The presentation slides and webinar recording link are available on the EdTechTeacher web site. Come join us on September 6th for The App Backpack – Back to School with iPads. Greg and Beth will elaborate on the App Backpack post from a few weeks ago, and discuss techniques for integrating and leveraging iPads during the first…

We have been incredibly busy at EdTechTeacher as summer workshops have officially transitioned into back-to-school professional development across the country. Tom, Greg, and Beth have traveled to Louisiana, Ohio, Connecticut, Idaho, and Massachusetts to help teachers begin to prepare for the coming school year. If you missed it last week, we also released our End of Summer Newsletter. Here are a few highlights!   iPad Summit Update We received over 80 submissions to our Call for Proposals and will be announcing a schedule in the coming weeks. Applications came in from across the country as well as abroad. This is…

In the past two weeks, EdTechTeacher’s Tom Daccord, Greg Kulowiec, and Beth Holland have traveled to schools and districts in Medfield, MA, Chicago, IL, Toledo, OH, Lafayette, LA, and Ft. Lauderdale, FL for iPad workshops at every grade level from K-12. As a result, a few new concepts and activities have come to the surface. Think of the Camera Roll as the central data source for all iPad apps – Create custom images using a drawing program such as Skitch, save to Camera Roll, and then bring them into iMovie, Animoto, ExplainEverything, EduCreations, BookCreator, ScribblePress, etc… Similarly, save video from iMovie,…

In our summer workshops, when we mention Twitter, we typically get one of two reactions: I have no idea how to Tweet! Twitter is the best thing ever! While there is occasionally some trepidation about jumping into social media, a wealth of resources exists in the “Twitterverse.” In his latest posts on EdTechResearcher, EdTechTeacher Founder, Justin Reich, writes about Teaching Teachers to Tweet. Teaching Teachers to Tweet (part I) It’s Connected Educator month here in the United States, which has me thinking about how we get more educators connected to one another. There are a number of sources of inspiration for Connected Educator…

It’s hard to believe, but at EdTechTeacher, we have already made the transition from summer workshops to back-to-school, in-service professional days. This year, a number of teachers will be returning to their classroom with new mobile devices – especially iPads. Throughout the summer, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec has conducted a number of workshops on iPad integration, and decided to pull together a back-to-school list of apps structured around specific classroom goals. The Thinglink image below (created using PhotoshopTouch on an iPad) contains hotspots with links and ideas. For more details, you can read Greg’s whole post, Back to School App-pack, on…

This week, we completed our 10th Annual Summer Teaching with Technology Workshop Series. During that time, we taught five iPad workshops ranging from Leveraging iPads, Laptops, and other Digital Tools to Create Differentiated Learning Environments to The iPad Classroom to iPads, ePubs, & iBooks Author. We often say that we learn as much from our participants as they learn from us. To prove it, we’ve compiled a Top 10 List of what we learned this summer. 10 New Things We Learned About iPads Turn your iPad into a mobile document camera using the free Board Cam app and Reflection. This is great…

EdTechTeacher Directors, Tom Daccord and Justin Reich, led a summer workshop last week focused on Teaching Technology to Teachers. Justin wrote the post below on EdTechResearcher with his reflections on technology integration and technology professional development. “I used to think that I needed to help teachers to use tools, but now I think I need to help teachers meet learning goals.” “I used to think that I needed to guide teachers through new technologies, but now I think I need to create safe spaces for them to play and explore.” “I used to think that my workshops should be named after…

Last week (July 23-27), was “iPad week” during our summer workshop series. We taught three days of The iPad Classroom followed by iPads, ePubs, & iBooks Author: Creating Digital Course Content. While much of the curriculum focused on the transition from consumption to creation, we also had an opportunity to explore the future of integrating iPads into the classroom. Paper + Layar + iPads = Augmented Reality One of the great benefits of using iPads – or any other mobile device – is the ability to extend learning beyond the physical four walls of the classroom. With augmented reality, it is…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. MasteryConnect This free tool works on a computer, with paper, or on an iOS device and is designed to support formative assessment of common core standards. Tags: assessment, commoncore, ipad, apps, Education, technology This is an interesting, new, cloud-based note taking tool. Could have a lot of potential. Tags: notes, notebook, organization, myschoolnotebook, web2.0 ZillyDilly This claims to be the first…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. July 23-25 marks the first of several iPad summer workshops. You are welcome to join our Ning community in order to browse the iPad groups. Form Tools PDF for iPad Quickly edit and insert information into PDF forms on the iPad. Tags: ipad, pdf, apps, technology YouTube Playlist of iPad Examples A set of great videos about iPads in the classroom. Tags:…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. The July Newsletter also contained a number of new resources. EdTechTeacher iPad Summit Call for Proposals The Call for Proposals for the iPad Summit is open until August 1st. EdTechTeacher invites applications to present at all education levels, content areas, and specialties, as well as industry and technology experts. Your proposal should fall under one of the following conference strands: Classroom Integration,…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. Remember The Milk: Online to-do list and task management Alternative to Wunderlist, Remember the Milk also ties into Google Docs. Tags: information_literacy, ipad, apps, Education, organization, productivity The Flow of History The Flow of History now has an iPad app that contains hundreds of historical flowcharts with links. Very cool for social studies. Tags: research, information_literacy, flowcharts, visualization, history, ipad, apps, Education…

In October 2007, Professor Michael Wesch from Kansas State University published the video below titled A Vision of Students Today. Last week at ISTE, in discussing the future of learning, Justin Reich wrote Battling over the Meaning of “Personalization”. “Personalization” has won the hearts of every camp in education. Whether you are a market-based reformer, an open education advocate, or a 21st century Dewey partisan, everyone agrees that learning should be personalized: learning experiences should be tailored to each individual student. We also agree that personalization is made feasible by new technologies. Since we agree on these broad principles, we should expect…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. 1:1 iPad Solutions: Evernote Inspired by the tweets coming out of ISTE about Evernote & Nicholas Provenzano’s blog piece on Evernote in a shared or 1:1 iPad environment, Greg Kulowiec wrote a great blog post about his perspective on why Evernote is a viable note taking, digital notebook,storage and distribution platform for students and teachers in a shared or 1:1 iPad environment. You…

At EdTechTeacher, we are now a few weeks into our 10th Annual Summer Teaching with Technology Workshop Series. Educators from across the country and abroad have participated in Teaching Elementary Grades with Technology, iPads & ePubs in the Classroom, Teaching Foreign Languages with Technology, Teaching Ancient Egypt, Greece, & Rome with Technology, Leveraging Technology to Create Differentiated Learning Environments, and more. However, one topic has remained consistent across all of our workshops: the challenge of letting students become creators and take the lead in the classroom. In a recent blog post, Beth reflects on advice from a former mentor – You…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. Web Highlighter These are directions for adding Diigo to the iPad bookmarks bar. Tags: diigo, iPad, highlighter 5 Apps for Creating Interactive Books and ePubs on your iPad 5 apps to create ePub eBooks on your iPad Tags: iBooks, ebooks, ipad, apps, books, epub, ebook Give Speech Foundation – FreeSpeech for iPad “FreeSpeech is a communication tool based upon research in augmentative…

For almost a year, EdTechTeacher collaborated with McGraw Hill on the development of their new social studies textbooks. Led by Justin Reich and Tom Daccord, the team wrote Tech Extensions for the end of each chapter. These activities engaged students in project based learning while leveraging web tools, multimedia, and other technologies to create alternative assessments. EdTechTeacher also created The Center for Teaching History with Technology web site to support these efforts. Earlier this week, McGraw Hill announced that the Networks Titles for US History, World History, and Civics had earned several awards. CODiE Award (Software and Information Industry Association’s…

Tomorrow marks the start of our first iPad workshop for this summer. At present, we will be running 5 iPad-based workshops over the next few weeks in both Atlanta as well as Cambridge. From the iPad Classroom to Creating Digital Content to Leveraging iPads to Create Differentiated Learning Environments, we have sold out almost every session. Last week, we also announced the launch of our November iPad Summit. In light of all of this, Justin wrote a great post on EdTechResearch both about the influx of iPads in schools as well as our efforts. It also squares with my experience…

EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland use a Diigo Group in order to collect and share iPad resources. This week’s post includes everything that they have found over the past 10 days – as some great new posts, apps, and ideas popped up in the past 48 hours. But first… EdTechTeacher iPad News We have filled up almost all of our iPad-based workshops for this summer. The first one, iPads & ePubs in the Classroom runs next week in Atlanta, GA. There is still room in our July 19-20 Integrating IPads, Laptops, And Digital Tools To Create Differentiated Learning Environments…

EdTechTeacher Founder, Justin Reich, continues to write about the growing equity issues in educational technology and the perceived value of Open Education Resources. In response to a front page article in the New York Times depicting young men of color as “freaks” who “throw tantrums” and “do the first negative thing he can find” with computer, Justin writes: I am also deeply concerned with the digital divide of usage, although I don’t believe that the problem lies in fundamental character flaws found in young black men and their parents. The problem has much more to do with profound economic inequality…

We’ve had a big week at EdTechTeacher. iPad and web tools workshops in Florida, presentation at NYSCATE, and a big announcement coming next week. This set of resources is being posted via iPhone through the WordPress app. Enjoy! Rover – The FREE education browser for your iPad! Rover, powered by iSwifter, is a new iPad browser that plays Flash Content. This makes great education sites such as ABCya a possibility on the iPad. Tags: iPad, apps, flash, browser, Rover, technology, elementary SoundingBoard This app lets you create sound boards on your iPad or iOS device. You can use both their…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. EdTechTeacher iPad Announcement! We have added a second session of our super popular workshop – The iPad Classroom. There are still 15 spots left, so come join us July 30 – August 1 at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. We also have spots available in these iPad workshops. July 19-20: Integrating iPads, Laptops, and Digital Tools to Create Differentiated Learning Environments July 26-27: iPads,…

EdTechTeacher Founder, Justin Reich, writes regularly for Education Week through his blog, EdTechResearcher. For the past few weeks, he has focused on the transformative power of technology as well as what actual change looks like. In MaKey MaKey Makes the World Your Computer Interface, Justin reported on a project from MIT to turn the world into a computer interface: “We have no idea what will happen when thousands of young (and young at heart) people use these kits to turn the world around them into keyboards, mice, joysticks, controllers, and the next generation of playdoh based computer interfaces. But I…

While there will never be a replacement for a paper book with dog-eared pages, hand written notes in the margins, a broken spine and a proudly worn cover with a hint of dirt and stains, there is an exciting new option to transform the practice of reading to make it more social and collaborative.  Subtext is an intriguing iPad application that allows users to read books collaboratively.  While reading, participants can insert text, emotions, questions, links and thoughts into the margins of the book.  When other readers jump into the text they can see the notations and reply to the…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. There is still room in some of our EdTechTeacher Summer Teaching with Technology Workshops at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, so come join us. July 19-20: Integrating iPads, Laptops, and Digital Tools to Create Differentiated Learning Environments July 26-27: iPads, ePubs, & iBook Author: Creating Your Own Digital Course Content The Complete List of iPad Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials – How-To Geek This is…

In a continued quest to find ways that iPads can be not only consumption, but creation devices, I recently worked with a high school psychology class (@alisonshaver’s class) where students were working in pairs to create children’s books about various psychological disorders. The app we used for the project was BookCreator. We chose the app for its ease of use, ability to record audio directly into the book and the ability to export the final product as both an eBook and PDF file. The Process:  5 minute BookCreator tutorial Students worked in pairs to research their disorder Groups outlined their…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. Beth and Greg have also moderated two iPad webinars in the past few weeks. All webinars are archived on the EdTechTeacher webinars page. You can also still join them this summer at Harvard University as there is still space in these upcoming workshops: July 19-20: Integrating iPads, Laptops, and Digital Tools to Create Differentiated Learning Environments July 26-27: iPads, ePubs, & iBook…

I recently visited a French foreign language class and the teacher asked if I had ever hear of Henri the Cat.  I take a tiny bit of pride in attempting to know everything that is on the internet, but I had never crossed paths with Henri.  The teacher quickly pulled up Henri and we watched and laughed out loud with the students.  If you have never seen Henri, I suggest you take a few minutes to watch part one… Before I left the class, I asked the teacher if she would be interested in having her students create similar style…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. Vernier Video Physics Vernier offers a host of products to support physics instruction, and for $2.99 there is now an app. Students can perform hands-on experiments and collect real-time data through the iPad. Tags: physics, ipad, education, science, app eBackpack eBackpack provides storage and collaboration features to individuals, classes, teachers, and schools. Now, there is an iPad module to help manage workflow…

In addition to working for EdTechTeacher as an Instructor and Online Content Developer, Beth Holland has been coaching high school sailing at St. George’s School in Middletown, RI for the past 14 seasons. Recently, on her blog, she reflected on the impact of technology on Physical Education, coaching athletics, and her own team. A few weeks ago, a PE teacher announced upon entering the room [for a workshop] that she was here, but there was nothing for her to learn. I asked if she would give me a chance and promised to provide her with one idea that she could…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. Print Friendly & PDF This is an alternative to Joliprint for converting web content into editable, annotatable, PDFs. Tags: printing, pdf, printfriendly iPads in Education This is a site maintained by Apple Distinguished Educators in the UK. Tags: education, apps iBuildApp This free service helps you to build your own apps for either iOS or Android. Tags: apps, development, ipad Steps to…

At EdTechTeacher, when we talk about creating student-centric learning environments, we like to encourage educators to find creative ways to allow students to communicate and collaborate both in person as well as online. This week, Co-Founder Justin Reich presented Are Great Wikis Born or Made? via Skype as a guest presenter in Steven McGee’s Teaching with Technology (LRN SCI-438) class at Northwestern University, and Greg Kulowiec wrote Why go 1:1 iPad Revisited: Screencasting Peer Feedback. Both Justin’s presentation and Greg’s blog post provide great information and examples about how to transform the classroom through digital collaboration. Just Posting in the Same Place?…

On Thursday, April 19th, EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich was a guest on WBUR – Boston Public Radio. After ‘Kony 2012,’ Students Eager To Learn About Central Africa brought together a team of educators to discuss the impact of the documentary on their students as well as how to teach social media to them. “Despite stirring controversy, thousands of young people who watched Kony 2012 were energized. That presented a challenge for school teachers who weren’t prepared to teach students about the Ugandan civil war.” Along with Barbara Brown, outreach director for the Boston University African Studies Center, Justin spoke about…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. WolframAlpha The app leverages the power of the online WolframAlpha search engine and also performs computations. Tags: ipad, apps, wolfram alpha, math, statistics, graphing, science, technology, education Preparing Your School for an iPad Implementation – iPads in Education This is a great post about preparing a school for an iPad deployment. Tags: ipad, implementation, deployment, mlearning Molecules This free app lets students…

Since EdTechTeacher Co-Founder, Justin Reich, moved his blog to Education Week on April 9th, he’s been writing prolifically.  Here are some highlights and insights from the past week. Massive Online Courses Create Bragging Rights for Universities, and Other Insights From Hewlett’s OER Meeting In discussion about the obstacles to the wide-spread adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) during the first day of the conference, Justin had three big insights: “First, Vic Vuchic, Hewlett’s program officer, explained the significance of Massive Open Online Courses, like those being offered by Stanford and MITx. There are some fascinating features to these courses: the tens of thousands of enrollees,…

One might say the young Singaporean teacher that I critiqued in front of her colleagues was being stoic, but it didn’t feel that way. In Singapore, teachers critique each other’s work regularly and dispassionately. My EdTechTeacher Co-Director, Justin Reich, and I experienced this dynamic first-hand. During our first workshop in Singapore, Ministry officials came up to us at the break and told us how we could improve it. (My immediate reaction was similar to Justin’s: “I just flew half-way around the world for a small stipend and this is how you how treat me?”) I was a bit taken back,…

In addition to this annotated list of apps and ideas, EdTechTeacher’s Greg Kulowiec and Beth Holland also maintain the iPad for ETT Diigo Group as well as The iPad As… page which groups apps and resources based on learning goals. There are NEW additions to the The iPad As… page. Take a look at: I want my students to use the iPad to stay organized. and I want to use the iPad to conduct video / virtual conferences in the classroom. SAT Vocabulary Building for ACT SAT and GRE Preparation This site offers tools for studying vocabulary. There is also a selection…

The question of Why iPads? has been circulating a lot lately, and that is certainly the case even at EdTechTeacher. Last week, we addressed this question: “What is your opinion is about why the iPad has taken the lead as the education tablet of choice?… Some would say that the iPad is hardly more capable than a plain old Netbook, and more expensive, when it comes to schools.” Given the article Why I’m Returning my new iPad and Buying a Kindle Fire as well as the recent post by James McConville (@jmcconville1000) on Why the iPad is Bad for Education, asking Why iPads is a valid point. Here are…

One of my first activities as an Outstanding Educator in Residence with the Academy of Singapore Teachers was to observe elementary school students using netbooks in a “hands-on” digital storytelling activity. At the front of the classroom stood a twenty-something teacher, only six months into her profession. At the back of the room were twenty observers –- yes, 20 –- led by the principal of the school and including department heads, curriculum leaders, and several Singapore Ministry of Education representatives. As I watched this young teacher work in front of this large group, I thought about how I had never…

This week, Justin’s blog, EdTechResearcher, is moving to Education Week. The mission of the blog has been to create a space at the intersection of research and practice: by translating research findings into plain language or raising research questions out of the triumphs and puzzles of practicing educators. Justin hopes that the partnership with Education Week will raise it’s visibility. As he writes in his first post: The purpose of the blog is to address the wide gap that often exists between education technology researchers on the one hand and technology-using educators on the other. These two groups have so much to learn from…